Token Distribution
Operation Development22%
Treasury DAO16.7%
Contract Address
The Liquidity pool is used to maintain Muzzle's liquidity in the Uniswap pool, allowing users to easily and quickly exchange Muzzle on the secondary market. The goal of this pool is to ensure a stable supply of Muzzle and reduce volatility in the market.
The allocation designated for Exchange or trading platforms aims to increase the accessibility of Muzzle and expand the ecosystem's user base. To achieve this, this allocation is used to meet the economic and minimum requirements of the exchanges that list us. These exchanges demand a certain amount of requirements for us to be included on their platform.
It is important to understand the real context surrounding exchanges and what it means to be listed. To be included, we must reach an agreement that involves committing resources to the liquidity pool, among other requirements. This means that inclusion on an exchange is an action that is taken after reaching an agreement on both economic and minimum requirements compliance by the development team.
The Development Operation fund is used to finance software creation in the ecosystem, including new applications and platforms. This measure ensures the minimum necessary resources to maintain a constant dynamic of construction and ensure the project's growth.
This wallet is internally known as "Layer 1" or the minimum available fund for development. This means that it is an essential resource to drive the continuous development of the project and keep it constantly evolving, as all projects need study and evaluation time to decide whether to move forward with a software architecture or not. Additionally, this measure allows us not to depend on the primary phases of "Layer 2" (Treasury DAO) and "Layer 3" (MuzzLock), which can only be used with DAO approval.
The Team allocation is intended for the Muzzle team and will be distributed based on the work done by the team. The purpose of this allocation is to incentivize and reward the team's work so they continue to improve the Muzzle ecosystem. With this approach, we want to be transparent and for you to identify how each section is built within the project, and have the honesty to be a project that speaks and communicates things as they are.
The Partnership budget is used to close deals with brands or projects, which may require some form of payment or token exchange between parties. The aim of this budget is to establish strategic partnerships that enable the growth and expansion of the Muzzle community.
In reality, any agreement or covenant that generates visibility and growth is subject to conditions of economic interest. However, it is our responsibility to maintain clear and transparent communication with the community before building any agreement. We want to ensure that the community is aware of the alliances established and how they can benefit the project in the long term.
Treasury DAO
The Treasury DAO fund is designated for the community (DAO) and is used to make important decisions for the Muzzle ecosystem, such as investing in a project, attending an event, or doing a drop, among others. This wallet is also known as "Layer 2" within the team, as it functions as an immediate resource to accelerate or invest according to the interests of the community and directly inject resources for growth.
In addition, this measure is always planned with diversified and intelligent use of resources. Differentiating each fund helps us identify asset construction and have a structured portfolio. Therefore, when the community decides to touch the protection funds or "Layer 3", it will be determined through intelligent allocation of resources, thanks to the financial organization that builds the project.